Medici Masters of The Renaissance Netflix Episode 2 Review and Recap Like and Subscribe to our channel on You tube for full length videos The winner of the Geek Fuel Box was Jmiller Congrats on winning Contests are held monthly The second episode Renauldo is a problem he is defiantly not cool with Cosimo, he wants war and for whatever reason he does not care that Florence is suffering from his need to war with Milan -hey that's the time they are in unlike today men were not scared to take something by force. Contisena is at home a lone and men come to kick her door down of course she is not having it so she thinks fast and tells the men the gold is not in the home its at the mint she slams the door orders her maid to contact Marco Bello they are in need of security. Meanwhile in the Signorina cosmos has to vote more taxes to fund the senseless war the Patzzi and Albizzi are in cahoots, Lorenzo urges cosimo to act now but ...