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Can you Betray a Faceless Man ? Joqen La Hargar Theory & Predictions Season 6 Review/ Recap

The Faceless Man Theory  Subscribe to Our Blog ! First i want to say ....How can Arya work with a man , she doesn't know much about ? How impressionable a child is seems at times , like people are aware of the fact.  she is gone but have been so involved into their own Pursuit of power . By the way Jaqen is a very fine sexy character and its a shame we dont see him more. The actor has this mysterious way about taking off his face but why isnt this strange to arya the waif cant stand her she's like the haters you always have to overcome before you get a promotion or win contest they couldn't win she needs to stop and worry about her missions she may be walking into her own death,  Questions and Answers  How come no one else can see Joqen Besides Arya ?  What did he mean about Arya having many gifts ? Why does the Waif so worried about Arya  ?  How did The Faceless Man Know the list Arya had ?  How did he ...