First of all there will be a war with the people just as it always has been for Daenerys she has had a time trying to come across the world and take back the kingdom but she did not expect Jon or did she remember when she left dario behind well it was -Tyrion knew succession matters she was to marry a man from mareen the same way this alliance with Jon will make perfect sense. Daenerys will have to worry about the boat situation and the bad part is the timing is off she would have welcomed Jon as a sibling but hey now she is aunt and lover just like Cersei Tyrion suggested she liked Jon and if i think about it so did Davos. Jon will not want his child to be bastard and will be able to deal with it but i feel there won't be too much time to think about it i wonder how pregnant she will be season 8? Bran's green sight will likely give us the truth about Daenary's but she has two issues she likely pregnant and then she has to survive and save the people just...