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Sam well Tarly The Noble Born Bastard

Before we get into the typical information about Sam and Horn hill Thanks for stopping make sure to see our other videos on On You tube and also see us on for our expanded series with video scenes  Samwell Tarlys family is rich ! He sure does not go to the extreme being he has no army or claim to  house but what if his dad dies what then  ? The citadel is a crossroads for same as much as it is a place of knowledge The maystars have a different agenda then most would expect and women are not allowed ! Alchemy is forbidden for their organization just ask Clyborne Cersei may have woken  sleeping giant with Wild fire it was like seeing a explosion she blew up the castle if the L annister's dont pay soon well the Iron Bank will be visiting Kings landing swiftly ! Watch our Full review here to Learn more about The Tarly's and also what Mae stars do plus as  a bonus watch o...

Game of Thrones Daenerys is Pregnant with Jon's Baby

First of all there will be a war with the people just as it always has been for Daenerys  she has had a time trying to come across the world and take back the kingdom but she did not expect Jon or did she remember when she left dario behind well it was -Tyrion knew succession matters she was to marry a man from mareen the same way this alliance with Jon will make perfect sense. Daenerys will have to worry about the boat situation and the bad part is the timing is off she would have welcomed Jon as a sibling but hey now she is aunt and lover just like Cersei Tyrion suggested she liked Jon and if i think about it so did Davos. Jon will not want his child to be bastard and will be able to deal with it but i feel there won't be too much time to think about it i wonder how pregnant she will be season 8? Bran's green sight will likely give us the truth about Daenary's but she has two issues she likely pregnant and then she has to survive and save the people just...
Cersei lannister will lose the Game of Thrones and in this video I hope to talk about the going theory online plus a little interjection of my own Lena Heady did a great job in this epic series surviving 8 years on the same show bravo girl!  Cersei is running out of time and family even Jaime has left but maybe he is chilling in High Garden maybe he will defend and bring his army's North with Bran and Pod rick and Brianne Ned told her where ever you go Roberts Wrath will follow you before he was beheaded in front of Arr ya and Sansa and the eyes of me. Subscribe or follow this blog for more reviews like this West world Season one full recap coming Sunday 

Arya's Kill List Season 7 Predictions

Arya's Kill List Season 7 Predictions  Who' s left  on Arya's $@%& List  #The mountain dead  basically can she kill a zombie ? The last time we saw the mountain he was not being respectable to Septa unella look as if she was raped before she was killed.... #Cersei   may be killed by Jaime too many people want Cerei dead so lets move and say its between Tyrion and Jaime hell Tyrion killed his x chic for sleeping with his father maybe he will do the same with Cersei it will be epic seeing that he is with Dany ,  Cersei cannot fight fire with fire especially being Daenarys  is fireproof so this will prove to be interesting. The last comment from Massey Williams was Shits gonna get real get ready great promotions I was at the house saying wow great information i can tell everyone about. The full review can be seen on here is tour quick 1 min video about what could happen feel free to comment and pu...

Gendry Spotted in Belfast What This Means for Game of Thrones Season 7

The actor was spotted in Belfast thanks to Watchers on the Wall Thanks for the update ! Here are some other updates about the area of they are shooting in and also some leaked information. Gen dry is not dead  ! Gendry  is coming back according to the patrons in Ireland they are already a shooting the actors Sophie, Massey and also Kit Harrington are shooting and have been spotted.This means the Baratheon family will live on  Does this mean he will be the blacksmith who forges the Valerian swords in the  War to come This lines up with the story of Game of Thrones shooting the Westeros Scenes in a nearby  theme park and studio for Game of Thrones in  Belfest, Ireland also keep in mind there has been reports that there has been some shooting on the Sea of the Battle in the  Water possible that Daenarys and Euron being that Theon and Yara scripts have been leaked that one will die w...

Jon Snow The Wolf The King of The North Season 7 Predictions

Jon Snow  The Wolf  The King of The North             Season 7 Predictions    Jon Snow has went on a journey since season 1 -6 he struggled to become a man and when he went to the Knights Watch the only one who tried to tell him he truth was Tyrion and also saved his life is this a foreshadowing of events to come ..   Looking back to season 1 there are some key things that took place that now seem to make perfect sense. The interesting thing is he still does not know a thing but Little Finger does  so because of Lyanna  Stark rape a lot of people who where not close do not know see LF plays his enemies close is Sansa stupid or something does not she know he and Ned hated each other and why is  it that Jon does not see her as a threat ?    Ramsey  Bolton, was told by Sansa the Highborn always has claim before Bastards so with that being said what do you think Sansa will ...

Can you Betray a Faceless Man ? Joqen La Hargar Theory & Predictions Season 6 Review/ Recap

The Faceless Man Theory  Subscribe to Our Blog ! First i want to say ....How can Arya work with a man , she doesn't know much about ? How impressionable a child is seems at times , like people are aware of the fact.  she is gone but have been so involved into their own Pursuit of power . By the way Jaqen is a very fine sexy character and its a shame we dont see him more. The actor has this mysterious way about taking off his face but why isnt this strange to arya the waif cant stand her she's like the haters you always have to overcome before you get a promotion or win contest they couldn't win she needs to stop and worry about her missions she may be walking into her own death,  Questions and Answers  How come no one else can see Joqen Besides Arya ?  What did he mean about Arya having many gifts ? Why does the Waif so worried about Arya  ?  How did The Faceless Man Know the list Arya had ?  How did he ...