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Westworld - Is Dr. Ford a Host Reddit Theory

" You do know were you are your in a prison of your own sins"  We do not know much about Fords life before Westworld could it be possible Arnold created a host to be his partner?  The problem with him being human is that he lacks the empathy that most people have even the meaniest people in this world the other issue is we dont know anything about Dr. Ford.... Teddy was made to keep Delores in the park was Robert Ford made to control Westworld from the money men?The theory is that the reason that Ford was created is the same reason he created Stubbs to protect the park if you cannot tell its real does it really matter?  See Ford is always working non stop  how is this this possible were is his family and lastly maybe Ford is the Master host who was built to last to protect Westworld maybe Fords a host because he was made after Delores and created to create more hosts in Arnolds image and a andriods image Ford. Is it possible that we will get the truth in WestWorld Se...