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Showing posts from May, 2018

Little Finger Theory That is So Out of This World It May be TRUE .........

Now for all those Game of Thrones Fans out there itching for  a clue to chase this next theory has been talked about online so this is not the first of its kind but building on lets just say there is more to the  Little Finger Death than meets the eye. Let's talk about his origins and for this we will give you the researched places and how Little Finger Moves it is almost too fast and too quick he speaks in riddles in new way before he dies and your with me.  I am sure with the terrible death scene but maybe just maybe there is a reason for the scattered events and sure you're probably saying to yourself it cannot be true well this is why this is a post based on a fan theory that  may be so out of this world it may be true! His Sigil is the mocking Bird Need I say more... Little Finger had a strange encounter when he saw Arya and what she told him and his reaction priceless take note about how he met with Bran and he told of a the tale no one knows but ...