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Outlander "Rent" Recap Season 1

Outlander Episode 5 Rent  Best Episode this season so far compared to the first one in my opinion. Claire joins the Mackenzie Clan reluctantly last episode she tried to escape but it failed so now she is left going from clan to clan with Dougal and Jaime they show his scars to rouse anger so they are given pledges for protection of the Englishmen who now occupy and terrorize their lands.  Sam Heughan makes Jon Snow look like he knows nothing sad that instead of falling in love in the game of thrones all they do is war and fight same goes for this show in a way but this Jaime is everything Jaime Lannister is trying to be. Frank shared alot with Claire the reason they had come to Ireland was to search his history were he found Black Jack Randyall was a Dragoon of the British army as a Garrison Commander. Frank randyall searches for his wife for 6 months in Inverness, she has been with the Jacobite's tending to their wounds. The Highland...

Last Kingdom Season 1 Episode 5 " Uhtred the Godless" BBC America (Netflix)

Episode 5  Season 1 Last Kingdom and Uhtred of Bebbanburg and Ubba fight and he kills ubba Young odds takes his Victory and becomes Alfreds Right hand man when it should be Uhtred ! See Osbert  gives them rules of war with the Danes and again Alfred looks at him as a traitor. Young odda takes Mildred in his home and their son have not been harmed and Elfric takes the sword to Uhtred's neck and is Odda the seniors son and now he does not ask where his wife he comes with the fear. Uhtred is a warrior and he is bothe Saxon and Dane a weapon for both sides and what's wrong with playing both sides the King does not care for Uhtred no one wants him their as a Alderman or not! He saw his father killed in a stake  the chiefton ubbba cannot stand Uhtred and tells him not to speak with him at all during a meeting. Abba will attack or the Frey will need to attack with Uhtred so he will burn their ships alone Uhtred uses pig fat to burn the ships young odda ...

Tyrion and Sansa Will Meet Again !

Little Finger cannot fool Little Finger and he is playing everyone.   Sansa, should want a man like Tyrion but she  does not like many women she does not see that he is the better man.  I'm trying to come to terms with season 7 still , I just wanted to talk to you about Tyrion and Sansa I just wonder if he will try at least??? Sansa has been abused and used up by everyone in her path now she can get some rest for a moment but now this season we have to question what will happen when she finds out the man she was last married too is still alive !  What will Tyrion say ??? Now that he knows he should have protected Sansa instead of  trying to be loyal to Shay a whore, i don't call her whore because she slept with any man she slept with his father have some pride girlfriend!  The reason why Tywin didn't like prostitutes was because his father spent a lot of...

Where did the Dragon Eggs Come From?

Are their other stone eggs in Ashai or Stone Dragons sealed with a spell is the question a lot of people wondered  but this time we are going to focus on The Story of the mother of Dragons a tribute to Game of Thrones and the story of Daenarys Targaryn the Conqueror.  I re watched season one of game of thrones when Daenarys was given eggs and a a white pony as a wedding dowry to his new wife it seemed innocent and sweet at first but as time marched on we all saw what happened ... Khal Droggo ,  also took her and accepted her as a queen from the start it was nice to see daenarys from the start she was reserved confident overtime she was able to learn to love the Khal of the Dothraki though it  was hard to let go of her ability to choose. In a way the Khal Adored Daeny as much as he could at first he did not desire to leave his herd or his native city but he changed his mind and almost got killed for listening to a women his own wife. Jorah was there to ...


Sansa Versus The Mother of Dragons Welcome to court come to the Throne and lets talk of the treason that sansa may do next season i heard from a little bird there may be a SHOWDOWN! Daenary's will have a surprise when it comes to Sansa Stark Unlike Arraya she will not be so quick to like Daenary's... The issue is Sansa may be smart but guess what she is no conqueror she doesnt do anything but once it doesnt give her the right to judge Daenary's Problem is Samwell Tarly may not like Daenerys either more on Samwell in this series keep watching this week for the uncut scenes i have created for my throne room peeps!

Game of Thrones Daenerys is Pregnant with Jon's Baby

First of all there will be a war with the people just as it always has been for Daenerys  she has had a time trying to come across the world and take back the kingdom but she did not expect Jon or did she remember when she left dario behind well it was -Tyrion knew succession matters she was to marry a man from mareen the same way this alliance with Jon will make perfect sense. Daenerys will have to worry about the boat situation and the bad part is the timing is off she would have welcomed Jon as a sibling but hey now she is aunt and lover just like Cersei Tyrion suggested she liked Jon and if i think about it so did Davos. Jon will not want his child to be bastard and will be able to deal with it but i feel there won't be too much time to think about it i wonder how pregnant she will be season 8? Bran's green sight will likely give us the truth about Daenary's but she has two issues she likely pregnant and then she has to survive and save the people just...

Little Finger Theory That is So Out of This World It May be TRUE .........

Now for all those Game of Thrones Fans out there itching for  a clue to chase this next theory has been talked about online so this is not the first of its kind but building on lets just say there is more to the  Little Finger Death than meets the eye. Let's talk about his origins and for this we will give you the researched places and how Little Finger Moves it is almost too fast and too quick he speaks in riddles in new way before he dies and your with me.  I am sure with the terrible death scene but maybe just maybe there is a reason for the scattered events and sure you're probably saying to yourself it cannot be true well this is why this is a post based on a fan theory that  may be so out of this world it may be true! His Sigil is the mocking Bird Need I say more... Little Finger had a strange encounter when he saw Arya and what she told him and his reaction priceless take note about how he met with Bran and he told of a the tale no one knows but ...