Battle of the Bastards
Game of Thrones latest episode was on point this week my heart skipped a beat a few times filled with satisfaction so lets talk about what we loved first Daenerys is back in Meereen Tyrion and the queen have a conversation she tells him what she is going to do it looks Like Tyrion is a little scared based on his decision the city was under siege so they meet up and well Grey Worm kills two masters and the other one left has to go back and tell the others what happened and not to test the Khaleesi.
#Watch Game of thrones Review and recap PT 1
Best Battle scene ever Jon Snow needs to make some more action flicks did you know that this scene has hardly any cgi Jon Snow was there in the mist of all the horses and the battle of the bastards and it was the best show yet !
Picture above shows Ramsey's army with the advantage for a moment until the Vale comes in and takes the entire Balton Army !
Next in Riverrun we see that the Battle of The Bastards has started Jon Snow is still stubborn, Rekon dies he's a casualty of war and dies.
Ramsey tells him to run to his brother and he shoots him with arrow as Jon reaches him on horseback the battle starts the giant in our opinion was not a asset they should have risked but hey the children died and also the Big Giant not sure if this means the Dragons will die again eventually but that's not for a few seasons, Jon snow is buried under what seems 1000 men and then the Vale comes in and takes the rampart and demolishes the Bolten Army !!!
So the note Sansa wrote was for good reason she needed back up and Little Finger did that !
Ramsey runs and the Giant runs after and so does Jon he wanted to kill ramsey so the chase starts they meet back at Winterfell and take the castle and Jon beats the breaks off Ramsey but doesn't kill him ...
Question we have will Baelish want to get something back for it hopefully Brienne comes back soon before Sansa Makes a rash decision check her Sansa secret ... she did say your house will disappear your name will disappear it was a great line HBO recap did speak of the scene being shot 10xs great job Sophie she and all the actors are amazing. This how is so good rumors say Episode 10 is going to be super big we heard 7 or 6 episodes for the last two season left over .
Frey's and Lannisters in connection is bad thing but the Red Wedding was the same scene and which we were under the impression he may do something different being he just will catch wind of The Boltons being defeated.
Up Next week .... Our Predictions from he existing predictions online
Theories floating around about Lansel
Lansel is gay and he has not admitted it to the 7 and not sure what's going to happen when everything comes out he is living a lie.
Cersei will burn the place down not sure if she will do it but Tommin broke he down hard she is getting played
Melisandre and killing Stannis daughter who had the same disease as Dannys runway soldier Jon Snow will have to decide about the sacrifice of the poor little girl.
Question we have will Baelish want to get something back for it hopefully Brienne comes back soon before Sansa Makes a rash decision check her Sansa secret ... she did say your house will disappear your name will disappear it was a great line HBO recap did speak of the scene being shot 10xs great job Sophie she and all the actors are amazing. This how is so good rumors say Episode 10 is going to be super big we heard 7 or 6 episodes for the last two season left over .
Frey's and Lannisters in connection is bad thing but the Red Wedding was the same scene and which we were under the impression he may do something different being he just will catch wind of The Boltons being defeated.
Up Next week .... Our Predictions from he existing predictions online
Theories floating around about Lansel
Lansel is gay and he has not admitted it to the 7 and not sure what's going to happen when everything comes out he is living a lie.
Cersei will burn the place down not sure if she will do it but Tommin broke he down hard she is getting played
Melisandre and killing Stannis daughter who had the same disease as Dannys runway soldier Jon Snow will have to decide about the sacrifice of the poor little girl.