Game of Thrones Winds of Winter Finale
Episode Opening Preview :
Yara and Dany formed an alliance
Grandmother ( Tyrell )sent home due to the Threat from the High Septon
Cersei and her Trial , Loris Tyrell Trial
Grand Maester is in a room putting on his chains with a escort naked and she wants her money funny how she doesn't care about what he has to do
The Sparrow says that the "gods Judgement is fierce and fair and just and told him to kneel before the court He asks that he dedicates his life to the Seven
Devotion to the Seven and has to serve them is what Loris will abandon the name and all his wealth and privilege , and the Lordship then they carve a symbol into his skin to mark him Tommen is crowned and sitting in his quarters he looks scared Loris is in his cell dirty and scared
Maester Pycelle is in the room and tells he has no ill will but then he tells him the new law needs to be ushered and the new people have to take the place of the old who are being laid to rest , and the kids stabbed him to death
Margery knows something is now right but the High Septon doesn't care about that being he thinks he is in absolute charge seems Margery is smarter then the high sparrow. she tries to inform him of his oversight but he doesn't listen.
The seven take Loris and his name and then they summon Cersei but she doesn't want to leave the Red Keep ..........
Cersei is next and the Mountain stops Tommen from leaving .The other seven member who was a Lannister follows a little kid into a dark room and the Grand Maester gets Killed by the Children in a small dark room he was led into like a lamb led to slaughter
Cersei is crazy for sure and she proved it this season a child takes the lannister guy into a room and leaves him there for dead with,,,,,, The whole episode had kids doing all the dirty work it was gangsta and it
Kings Landing came down in fire and Cersei planned it well she is very cunning and she is crazy.
Margery is dead ! i really liked her but too bad she didn't connect with Cersei
Tommen is in shock as he sees the building blow up, Tommen was too soft and died ran and jumped out the window WTF ... bet that hurt.
Cersei is crazy for sure and she proved it this season a child takes the lannister guy into a room and leaves him there for dead with,,,,,, The whole episode had kids doing all the dirty work it was gangsta and it
The wild fire !!! under kings Landing as he tries to get to the door he is stopped by a child and does not get out burned alive so the whole Tyrell family was burned by Cersei and all the septons and the Septas and the septa manella was tied down like an animal for Cersei to mentally torture/
Lyanna promised to the Barathon 1000's died because of Rhaegar kidnapping her aunt Lyanna when she saids it Baelish says nothing
No white walkers but dead men cannot pass the wall as long as it is up not wall fell this time now we have to wait 1 year for Season 7 its going to be a long year....Winter is coming to us game of thronians !
Knights of the Vale - Sansa will be able to leave to the vale now being the people have chosen the King
King of the North ! Whose Name is Stark ! King of the North by The Mormont slick talking tough 10 year old. I love that little girl she is so fierce.
Cersei named herself Queen lol she didn't not care when Tommen died and now the Maester of the house of the man who the people didnt want the shame lady is laid to rest and jamie comes back just in time ... my prediction is between Jaime seeing her go nuts being she burned down the place like the Mad King not sure if he will be happy now his only son is dead.
Little Finger was looking at Sansa when they named Jon King of the North i wonder if Jon wants it or not .
Robert was king of the north because of what has happened
Arya killed Walter Frey - she got her list return to Westeros
its funny because she came back quick
House of Tyrell and Martell form an alliance and then Varys was there and then at the end of the episode he was back in Maureen does he have a jet pack cause he travels quick. The old lady told the sand snakes to shut up !Let the grown people speak she forms alliance with the Martell.
Tyrion has a lot of respect for Dany and likewise and she needed his counsel perfect advisor. Its a beautiful scene it makes danny seem more human she has been strange since she burned down the Khals hell on earth where they kept the wives of the old dead Khals.
I am under the impression Davos will be hand of the Queen, he wanted the red priestess killed and told her if she is killing and burning children he God is evil to be honest in the Holy Bible some people believed in this method of sacrifice,
Melisandre is vanished out of The North / Targaryens conquered and did the same thing as danny is now doing Watch our the full review on Youtube