Jaqen Hagar is a mystery character alot of people have many concerns about his motive and so do I.
In this series, we will talk one on one about the man who has trained and protected Arrya from who she was for a time question is why?
Rumor has it he will return Season 8, it would be fitting since he represents the Red God if you notice Milisandre also speaks of the same fire god now I know she said a different name Lord of Light somehow I feel there is a connection with these two factions
Red Priestess also have the ability to change their looks as we saw with Milisandra she was an old woman she was powerful once but she went wrong choosing the wrong King but did she?
The Red women told Arrya she would meet her again - think of this way what good would it do for Arrya to kill someone who has the power to bring Jon back from the dead even Jon could not kill her because of it.
Now that Cersei is alone Arrya may head for Kings Landing she may come in under the castle and sneak her way past the Kings Guard now that she has left she can be a faceless man assassin and change back to Arrya as she deems necessary.
Arya and Sansa were both just as important- one thing that sticks with me is the three men she was to kill she was able to pick them freely but before meeting Jaquen she wished Joffrey to die and Cersei and many other two of them she killed on her own.
What is Jaquen Hagar's Motive?
Jaquen seemed to be the only reason she made it out of Kings Landing Jaquen killed more than three men for Arrya and he also offered her membership is this normal for the assassins paid to do a thing to just be somewhere for no good reason?
If you also remember Jaquen went from Prisoner to the soldier and he also wore the colors of Lannisters so was he an agent or the man put there to lead Arrya away from the harm?
I believe it is both, he is also saying alot much of the time telling us nothing double talking but speaking in phrases unlike the waif he seems to be more advanced in a way he talks in riddles and constantly reminds himself that he has no name but wants to be called Jaquen Hagar could it be he has been brought back so much he doesn't remember who he is ?
How did he know his way around the Castle?
This cult kills people for money but they also have some magic they use of some sort if they can change into another does this mean they die first or do they just become a faceless man because they kill people well no if you watch when Jaquen dies he appears behind her -I am not RR. Martin but some people think they are ...
Let's look at the History of the Faceless Man here
I also believe that he is following Arrya I do not think he just let her leave remember all men must serve but I believe there is a connecting with Arrya notice how she lies to him he knows and indicates a slight change in himself when he sees her mention her name and her father's name.
The water dancer was said to be Jaquen but I think he is someone else watch our video here to see who ...
Here are a few concerns we had about the adventures of Arya Stark
- Is Arya also chosen to do more than she thought she was capable of at the time?
- Arrya seemed to break the rules but Jaquen did not say a word...
- What did he mean by she had many gifts?
- Why did Jaquen allow Arrya to Leave?