The actor was spotted in Belfast thanks to Watchers on the Wall Thanks for the update ! Here are some other updates about the area of they are shooting in and also some leaked information. Gen dry is not dead ! Gendry is coming back according to the patrons in Ireland they are already a shooting the actors Sophie, Massey and also Kit Harrington are shooting and have been spotted.This means the Baratheon family will live on Does this mean he will be the blacksmith who forges the Valerian swords in the War to come This lines up with the story of Game of Thrones shooting the Westeros Scenes in a nearby theme park and studio for Game of Thrones in Belfest, Ireland also keep in mind there has been reports that there has been some shooting on the Sea of the Battle in the Water possible that Daenarys and Euron being that Theon and Yara scripts have been leaked that one will die w...