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'Game Of Thrones' Season 6, Episode 9 Review: Battle Of The Bastards

Battle of the Bastards  G ame of Thrones latest episode was on point this week my heart skipped a beat a few times filled with satisfaction so lets talk about what we loved first Daenerys is back in Meereen Tyrion and the queen have a conversation she tells him what she is going to do it looks Like Tyrion is a little scared based on his decision the city was under siege so they meet up and well Grey Worm kills two masters and the other one left has to go back and tell the others what happened and not to test the Khaleesi.       #Watch Game of thrones Review and recap PT 1 Best Battle scene ever Jon Snow needs to make some more action flicks did you know that this scene has hardly any cgi Jon Snow was there in the mist of all the horses and the battle of the bastards and it was  the best show yet ! Picture above shows Ramsey's army with the advantage for a moment until the Vale comes in and takes the entire Balton A...

Game of Thrones Winds of Winter finale

Game of Thrones Winds of Winter Finale  By: Camille Nelson Episode Opening Preview : Yara and Dany formed an alliance Grandmother ( Tyrell  )sent home due to the Threat from the High Septon Cersei and her Trial  , Loris Tyrell Trial Grand Maester is in a room putting on his chains with a escort naked and she wants her money  funny how she doesn't care about what he has to do The Sparrow says that the "gods Judgement is fierce and fair and just and told him to kneel before the court He asks that he dedicates his life to the Seven Devotion to the Seven and has to serve them is what Loris will abandon the name  and all his wealth and privilege , and the Lordship then they carve a symbol into his skin to mark him Tommen is  crowned  and sitting in his quarters he looks scared Loris is in his cell dirty and scared Maester Pycelle is in the room and tells he has no ill will but then he tells him the new law nee...

Game Of Thrones Explained Varys Can He Be Trusted

Game of Thrones Fan Theory Vary' s   Can He Be T rusted ? "Sons of The Harpy Theory " "Blackfire Secret Targaryn " Vary's vs. Tyrion   Why doesn't anyone question his Motive why does Tyrion not  Question, his reasons is he so lonely he has not seen that Varys may seem like his friend .What is it ?  Vary's knows that  Tyrinn does not know ?  Although Ty win is dead before he killed his dad Jayme let him out of the jail cell it was sad that in the tv show Shay got strangled but it was a passion killing see Tyrion could not be accepted due to the debacle with the last prostitute he had wanted to marry and in this case his Dad Ty win hated Tyrion just like Cersei does sure Jayme loves Cersei but he is not the same man he was before his hand got cut off, he has lost everything he is not longer Kings Guard the Sparrow has taken over his house due to his illegitimate son he has with his sister gross... in this time it was...

The Sparrow and the Faith of Seven /Explained Why the High Sparrow Cannot be Trusted .....

The Faith of seven hasn't been  explained thus far all we remember is the shame chick coming around and getting Cersei to walk the walk of Shame ... Shame sorry its left us with a glitch in our writing but moving forward the man who wares tattered clothing came in like a boss and took over the entire castle this is after Tywin died, which leads us to think about how Tywin died he died on the toilet not just because Tyrion was in jail but because he slept with Shay it's strange why Tywin and Cersei hated him so badly and he didn't ask to be born. We predict Cersei will not last season 6 ending if she does we will be surprised see our Episode 1-8 Questions and predictions Margery is not who she said she is .... Jon Snow better do something but just stare ..... Deanery's should watch Dario he is not to be trusted Why doesn't the high sparrow ever do anything to Jaime Lannister ? Who will win between the...

Can you Betray a Faceless Man ? Joqen La Hargar Theory & Predictions Season 6 Review/ Recap

The Faceless Man Theory  Subscribe to Our Blog ! First i want to say ....How can Arya work with a man , she doesn't know much about ? How impressionable a child is seems at times , like people are aware of the fact.  she is gone but have been so involved into their own Pursuit of power . By the way Jaqen is a very fine sexy character and its a shame we dont see him more. The actor has this mysterious way about taking off his face but why isnt this strange to arya the waif cant stand her she's like the haters you always have to overcome before you get a promotion or win contest they couldn't win she needs to stop and worry about her missions she may be walking into her own death,  Questions and Answers  How come no one else can see Joqen Besides Arya ?  What did he mean about Arya having many gifts ? Why does the Waif so worried about Arya  ?  How did The Faceless Man Know the list Arya had ?  How did he ...

Game of Thrones Episode 5 Season 6

The Door Review  Ho-door is actually ...........Hold the Door ! It's a shame....This  season has only 4 more episodes and we lost Brans henchman Hodor but its really confusing .. The three eyed Raven has died but Bran has so much to learn sorry but this seems strange to me. The three eyed raven in the tree continues but the thing that get's most all of us is that he never explains anything hes like Master Yoda with no explanation.Now things are getting pretty surreal.Each time Bran goes into a trance he alters the future not the past. Sansa meets with Little Finger but it still leaves me with more questions why? She lets him live when she should have had Brienne cut him down on sight but that's another story my prediction is Little finger will end up being revealed in the last episode so we can hang on a cliff till next April. My prediction is that Little Finger should have been checked a long time ago why tell someone you want them to d...

Game of Thrones (Review) Ep 6 Season 6

Welcome to The Throne Room ! Our site is a Blog created for the game of Thrones TV Show each week  as new shows are released. I will review new shows and also review other fan tribute series are also discussed Watch our Newest reviews and predictions for Characters for Season 6.  John Snow is not present in this Episode, I like how RR Martin and the writers of HBO change the book in alternate ways being i have never read it personally you will not hear too much said about the book until i have read it otherwise we have the audio versions available in this video description on our website. I'm not feeling the new Dario but i guess the last one has major movie plans and things changed read more on the story here about why  the old Dario left ...                                         Our first day on Youtube we we...